I think this is the house from In Watermelon Sugar...
Now for some other stuff collected whilst 'surfin' the net'.
Claudia Crobatia
Jonathan Zawada
Nick Cortese
Andreas Banderas
John Baldessari
Gabi Hutchison
Aaron Lake Smith
Ward Zwart
Elo Vasquez
midsommar en Sverige (a few months late, whatever)
Kiwashi Awazu
John Clang
Geoff McFetridge
Chloe Poizat
HC Andersen
Eve Audry
Russell Tyler
Ed Ruscha - Sphere of Pepto Bismol, 1972
Ed Ruscha - No Sleep, 1966
pretty sure this is from Woodstock Handbuilt Houses
Hubert von Herkomer
Serge Guerand
Danielle Zinaich by Lina Scheynius
Nick Cortese