But I think it's time that we found out:
How is it that I can be nostalgic for a place that I've never been? And also this main fellow in this video, Matthew Bannister, is very good looking. I used to listen to Sneaky Feelings on the long drive back to Vermont and daydream of going to New Zealand. Studying at Otago, doing interesting and potentially even relevant academic research, living in a flat, going to rugby games, penguins on the beach, cute guys with strange accents, Tall Dwarfs, and walking up and down the steepest street in the world. Then the stock market tanked and my major wasn't approved and I quit my horrible job and I couldn't study abroad and ended up drunk in Montreal in the springtime instead of exuberant (and, yeah, drunk) in some quasi-exotic place on the other side of the world.
I'll admit it, I idealized the hell out of the place. Later on I would meet a New Zealander who would describe Dunedin as "the arsehole of the world". This sentiment was echoed recently by the Australian bartender who chatted me up while I filled out job application #313. "One for the bucket list, eh? Rubbish weather, full of whackas. Go to Sydney instead! Ahh you'll have a rip snorter in Sydney! Yep, just keep applying, she'll be right!"
Don't know what I wanted from you
Monday, January 10, 2011 0

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