Kalindy Millions
I can relate.
It snowed all day. I did some things I've been putting off and listened to a lot of Neil Young. Got a lot to learn, love to burn... Keeping that in mind.
So many ups and downs lately. Oui, c'est la folie. I admit it! I don't wanna jinx anything, but I think shit's gonna start happening soon. And by "shit" I don't mean horrible things but good things. I'm cautious though, as ever, which doesn't serve me well. You know, these past few months, I've been playing it so safe I stopped playing entirely! Retired at 23! Well, fuck that. I mean, you know it's bad when your mother and your friend who works 60 hours a week both tell you to "live in the moment more".
So the thing to do is come up with absurd plans of action and extreme dreams. And then there's the hard part -- the action. Actually, no, that's wrong, that's what I used to think. The action component comes quite naturally as soon as the fear dissipates. Fear of what, you ask? You tell me. It's as irrational as anything: fear of failure, fear of ridicule, fear of rejection. Well, one simply cannot live ruled by negative potential outcomes. I'm not using a coherent metaphorical language to describe this, I know, it's past 4am after all and I'm past due for something to knock me out.