Working blows and I am going to blow my pay cheque on shoes and Williamsburg. I've made bros with everyone at work except maybe the boss's best friend forever, but hell even he talked to me tonight, so who's to say. I really like everyone including the notoriously difficult head chef. We talk about books and Swedish language and travel and pickled papaya (holy shit, so good). I suppose it helps my cause that he is one of the co-owners of the place -- a major strategic ally.
My boss is really the only major issue. A perfectionist to a fault -- much like myself, but about 100 times more high strung -- with the tendency to take all of her anger out at whichever employee is closest by. Which has tended to be me. However, I found that she is significantly easier to deal with three margaritas deep. She tried to get me to go shot for shot with her, but I'm not a whiskey fan, nah, gin's my thing and gin only, and anyway I'd prefer to debate politics and talk about dumb guys which was what the other patrons wanted to do. As did she. She resoundedly dismissed my previous suitors as well as those of my friends, save the Canadian pizza chain heir. I wonder if I'll end up having that attitude at some point. Not jaded but wanting a provider. At this point I don't care too much. I was less afraid of her and more amused and intrigued by her in that state. Also she declared publically that she is a fan of Sarah Palin so I won't feel all that bad if I do get fired. I held my own in the debate, winning several shots which I passed onto my boss.
It is nice when bosses finally reveal their "less professional" sides. You know that it's in them, somewhere, that they're not total robots. And it's easy to forget that bosses are human...sonewhere. Actually, no, it's more like that it's easier to forget that they tend to cover for that. If anything, at least being vaguely terrified but then remembering "Wait a minute, I don't even need anything remotely resemebling a college degree for this shit so who cares if I get fired?" is a different sort of feeling than "No one told me a frontal lobotomy was a recomended prerequsite for this position."
I drove home feeling weird and wishing I had more reliable source of disposable income. Ultimately, this must be a temporary position. At least half of my co-workers hold advanced degrees. Fuck, one of them was even a doctor in his home country. However, he seems content being head waiter and listening to Radiohead here in Boston. More motivation, if anything, for me. I shall not settle!
Found a job
Saturday, January 15, 2011 0

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